RTÉ confirms Flynn payment

RTÉ confirmed yesterday that it has received a payment of €1

RTÉ confirmed yesterday that it has received a payment of €1.225 million from Mayo TD Beverley Flynn, in settlement of the legal fees she owed to the station after her failed libel action against it.

In July the TD agreed to pay RTÉ €1.225 million to settle the debt of €2.848 million run up in her unsuccessful 2001 High Court libel action against the station over its reports that she encouraged people to evade tax while working for National Irish Bank.

The subsequent report of the High Court inspectors appointed to investigate the affairs of National Irish Bank found that Ms Flynn had engaged in a practice that facilitated the evasion of tax by customers of the bank.

Ms Flynn agreed to the settlement with RTÉ last month when the broadcaster initiated bankruptcy proceedings against her after she had failed to pay any of the total bill of €2,848,088.


The payment of the money paves the way for Ms Flynn's return to the Fianna Fáil party with the support of the Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern.

Mr Ahern said after the formation of the Government last June that Ms Flynn would be welcome back into the party and in time would be eligible for a junior ministry.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times