Rugby players' union defends bonus stance

The Irish Rugby Union Players Association (IRUPA) has moved to clarify its position in relation to the bonus row that is threatening…

The Irish Rugby Union Players Association (IRUPA) has moved to clarify its position in relation to the bonus row that is threatening next month's tour to South Africa.

Although the IRFU chief executive, Philip Browne, maintains a tour fee of €4,000 has been agreed, this is not the case, according to the IRUPA.

Instead, it accused the IRFU of shifting the blame for the dispute on the players, claiming "it is entirely wrong for the IRFU to make a statement to the effect that the players are issuing demands. The players have not issued any demands, rather they have suggested extremely reasonable figures for negotiation."

The issues of tour fees and win bonuses remains a contentious one, and with no resolution in sight, last night's proposed meeting between the parties was cancelled at short notice.