Ruling party's Mutharika wins Malawi election

Malawi's electoral commission declared the ruling party's Bingu wa Mutharika the winner of the country's chaotic presidential…

Malawi's electoral commission declared the ruling party's Bingu wa Mutharika the winner of the
country's chaotic presidential poll today.

"I declare Bingu wa Mutharika the winner," Mr James Kalaile, chairman of the Malawi Electoral Commission told a news conference.

Outgoing Malawi President Mr Bakili Muluzi, who led the impoverished country from dictatorship to democracy in 1994, hand-picked 70-year-old Mr Mutharika, a staid economist who previously worked for the World Bank, to succeed him.

Gwanda Chakuamba, the leader of a seven-party opposition coalition, had said last night that he was the "president elect" and would accept no other outcome.


Official figures show Mr Chakuamba was beaten into third place.

The commission said Mr Mutharika of United Democratic Front won with 1.20 million votes, with Mr John Tembo of the Malawi People's Congress Party in second on 846,457 votes. Mr Chakuamba received 802,386 votes, the commission said.

The opposition, which had cried foul even before Thursday's vote began and whose suspicions were raised by the slow count, is certain to react with anger.