Run-off expected in Afghan poll

An investigation into fraud in Afghanistan's election has cut President Hamid Karzai's vote tally to about 47 per cent, a result…

An investigation into fraud in Afghanistan's election has cut President Hamid Karzai's vote tally to about 47 per cent, a result that will trigger a run-off, the Washington Postreported today.

Citing officials familiar with the results, the newspaper said the tally by the independent Electoral Complaints Commission was due to be finalized today.

Preliminary election results issued on Tuesday gave Mr Karzai more than 54 per cent of valid votes tallied, putting him above the 50 per cent threshold needed to avoid a runoff with his closest rival, former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah.

But Afghanistan's ambassador in Washington, Said Jawad, said that a second round of voting was "likely," the newspaper reported.


In a New York Timesinterview published yesterday, the ambassador said Mr Karzai's government was preparing for the electoral commission to announce tomorrow a runoff was necessary.

Citing a US official in Afghanistan, the Post reported that ballots listing both Mr Karzai and Mr Abdullah Abdullah were printed in London in anticipation of a runoff and have arrived at the United Nations' mission in Kabul.

The inconclusive August election, where widespread fraud was reported, is a factor in the Obama administration's current review of its strategy in Afghanistan.

General Stanley McChrystal, the top US and Nato commander in Afghanistan, has recommended deploying an additional 40,000 US troops, beyond the 68,000 due to be in place by the end of this year.
