Russian markets calm after banker's murder

Russian Eurobonds are trading steady today despite the assassination of Deputy Central Bank Governor Andrei Kozlov.

Russian Eurobonds are trading steady today despite the assassination of Deputy Central Bank Governor Andrei Kozlov.

Mr Kozlov was fatally wounded last night after he was attacked by gunmen in Moscow after leaving a soccer match. Mr Kozlov died this morning in hospital; his driver died at the scene.

However, Russia's benchmark 2030 bond was bid up 0.062 points to yield 5.867 percent, steady on the day.

Russian bonds have been especially popular with investors as the government has been using windfall oil revenues to reduce its debt stock. The assassination is not expected to change this policy or affect debt payments.


Russia's portion of the benchmark JP Morgan Emerging Market Bond Index Plus widened three basis points to 109 over US Treasuries, while the index as a whole was one basis point wider.