Ryanair gets court order over parking

Ryanair has secured an interim High Court injunction requiring Aer Rianta to give it access to eight overnight aircraft parking…

Ryanair has secured an interim High Court injunction requiring Aer Rianta to give it access to eight overnight aircraft parking stands at Dublin Airport until next Monday.

Mr Gerard Hogan SC, counsel for Ryanair, said the gist of the dispute was unfair and unequal treatment by Aer Rianta between his client and Aer Lingus. He claimed Aer Lingus had used Ryanair's stands when theirs were under repair but Ryanair had been denied access to Aer Lingus's stands while Ryanair's were under repair.

Mr Charlie Clifton of Ryanair said his company had an agreement with Aer Rianta enabling it to keep all its aircraft together, particularly overnight, and enable rapid turnaround of aircraft.

Mr Paul Sreenan SC, for Aer Rianta, said Aer Lingus had threatened to sue because it believed Ryanair was getting preferential treatment on parking stands.


Granting the interim order until Monday, Mr Justice O'Higgins said he would also give liberty to any airline other than Ryanair to apply in the event of unforeseen matters of an emergency nature arising out of the order.