Ryanair to stop Fuerteventura flights

Ryanair today confirmed it is closing a popular holiday island route following a dispute with the local tourism group.

Ryanair today confirmed it is closing a popular holiday island route following a dispute with the local tourism group.

The carrier will cease all services to and from Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands from January 31st 2009.

Ryanair flew to the island from a number of airports including Dublin, Shannon, Stansted, Birmingham and East Midlands in Britain.

The airline claimed the local tourism group AIE had "failed to honour" a  commercial agreement.

Ryanair began flying to Fuerteventura in 2006 and annual passenger numbers grew  to 250,000.

It first announced last month its intention of axing the route and gave AIE 30 days' notice "to remedy their contract breach".

Ryanair's Michael Cawley said: "This is a very black day for  Fuerteventura and one which will have a severe impact on tourism and the  livelihoods of its islanders."