SA conference near decision on slavery and colonialism

Delegates at World Conference Against Racism in South Africa are believed to be close to reaching an agreement on one of the …

Delegates at World Conference Against Racism in South Africa are believed to be close to reaching an agreement on one of the most contentious issues.

The European Union is said to have accepted slavery and colonialism were "a crime against humanity."

It was reported earlier that the EU was weighing the pros and cons of a new document which is expected to exonerate them of any legal battle for compensation by pro-reparation group should they endorse the document.

The South Africa Broadcasting Corporation, SABC reported this afternoon: "The word ‘reparations’ has been replaced by ‘remedial measures,’ leading to development programmes for affected countries. Debt ‘relief’ has also been agreed upon instead of debt ‘cancellation," SABC added.


Progress has also been made on the issue of "apology."

The EU has continously suggested the use of the word "regret" instead.

Irish delegation are hopeful the issue will be resolved today.

However there is no indication of the conference position on the contentious Middle East issue.