Safety seminar in west aims at foreign nationals

Hundreds of foreign nationals living in the west of Ireland are to be educated on key road safety issues at a special seminar…

Hundreds of foreign nationals living in the west of Ireland are to be educated on key road safety issues at a special seminar featuring Polish, Lithuanian and Russian translators.

Gardaí and local authorities in Co Mayo have backed a Safety Through Knowledge information evening in Castlebar which aims to tell foreign nationals about crucial matters like insurance, tax, alcohol limits, and the National Car Test.

"More and more foreign nationals are becoming involved in accidents on the roads of Ireland and, in most cases, they are not insured properly or their cars are not roadworthy," said Gintarius Petkus of court translation company Chartered Translators Ireland, which is running the seminar in the TF Royal Hotel on Friday, December 14th, from 6-8pm.

"Foreign nationals need to know if their foreign insurance covers them while driving in Ireland, for example, or if they should pay road tax here on their foreign car.


"Being a major translation service provider for government agencies such as the Courts Service and An Garda Síochána, we meet hundreds of defendants who are charged and sentenced for road traffic, public order and other offences.

"We feel this may originate from vast cultural differences among the nations even in terms of legislation."

Mr Petkus appealed to employers to allow their foreign national staff to leave work early on December 14th so they can attend the event.

"This is a very important matter for foreign nationals living and working here in Ireland, and I would call on employers to give their staff some time off to allow them attend."

Polish, Lithuanian and Russian translators will be present to translate talks by road safety experts. The main sponsors are Casey Autoworld, Hastings & Co Insurance Services and Chartered Translators Ireland.

Mayo County Council and Castlebar Town Council have both supported the event.