Samaritans seek new volunteers

The suicide rate has risen by an alarming 10 per cent in Galway, according to latest statistics

The suicide rate has risen by an alarming 10 per cent in Galway, according to latest statistics. With this in mind, the Galway Samaritans are holding a recruitment drive today to find new volunteers who will try to reach people most at risk.

Today's meeting is one of two planned over the next 10 days, at which experienced volunteers will describe the work. Samaritans listen in total confidence, and do not pass judgment or press their personal beliefs on callers. They are not part of any church or organised religion, and work anonymously, offering time and space for people to talk about their feelings.

All volunteers must be at least 18 years old and are trained before they begin befriending callers at the centre. There are just over 100 attached to the Galway branch, from different social backgrounds, and their aim is to listen - in the hope that a person with a suicide in mind might not go through with it.

Tonight's meeting is in Scoil an Linbh Iosa (Mercy Primary School), Francis Street, Galway, at 8.30 p.m. A second meeting will be held at the same time and venue on Thursday, October 11th. Alternatively, the Samaritans can be contacted at (091) 561222.