Physical Geography: Answer 2(a) or 2(b) or 2(c) or 2(d)
(a) (i) The Burren in Co Clare is an ideal place to study the processes of Chemical Weathering.
Describe with the aid of diagrams three features formed by chemical weathering above and/or below the surface of the Burren.
(ii) The stone monuments and the plant life of the Burren form a rich heritage worthy of preservation. Discuss this statement.
(b) (i) There is a contrast between glacial activity in upland as opposed to lowland areas. Account for this contrast. In your answer refer to three landscape features resulting from glaciation.
(ii) Explain three means by which humankind has used the results of glaciation.
(c) Climatic change is universally recognised as one of the great challenges to the global environment. Average global temperatures have increased by between 0.3C and 0.6 C in the past hundred years.
(i) Outline three of the challenges posed by climatic change now and in the future.
(ii) Ireland's weather in 1998 was a major cause of concern. Describe three human impacts that resulted from our changing weather patterns in the late 1990s.
(d) Earthquakes, volcanoes and floods were among the most significant natural hazards but their location, frequency and intensity vary greatly.
Choose two of the above natural hazards and account for their distribution over time and space. In your answer refer to specific examples you have studied.