Saudis gave warning of London attack

Months before the deadly July 7 suicide bombings in London, Saudi Arabia told the British and US governments that it had arrested…

Months before the deadly July 7 suicide bombings in London, Saudi Arabia told the British and US governments that it had arrested a young Saudi man who confessed to raising money in the Gulf region for a terrorist attack in crowded areas of the British capital this summer, officials said today.

The Saudis obtained information that the attack would involve explosives and a Syrian contact for financing, and that at least some of the four attackers would be British citizens, according to officials in several countries with direct access to the information.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information remains classified, cautioned that the current investigation has not connected any players from the July attacks to the original Saudi warning and that the information last December did not provide attackers' names, a date, specific location or time of attack.