Saulters is re-elected Grand Master despite protest by dissidents

The Grand Master of the Orange Order, Mr Robert Saulters, was re-elected for a second term yesterday despite a 24-hour siege …

The Grand Master of the Orange Order, Mr Robert Saulters, was re-elected for a second term yesterday despite a 24-hour siege of the institution's Belfast headquarters by Spirit of Drumcree dissidents.

The take-over of Orange House by more than 100 dissidents forced the Orange Order leadership to relocate a meeting to elect a grand master to west Belfast.

The protesters' leader, Mr Joel Patton, branded the election "null and void", saying 10 days' notice of the venue was required. His supporters continued to occupy the building last night. Mr Patton, who is demanding a more hard-line stance on parades, accused the leadership of betrayal over the four Orange marches which were re-routed this summer. He said the structure of the order was undemocratic and called for a "one man, one vote" system in future elections.

Supporters of Mr Patton took over the building late on Tuesday night, demanding the right to attend yesterday's meeting. A decision was taken early yesterday by Mr Saulters to relocate the meeting to an Orange hall on the Shankill Road.


Grand Lodge members, unaware of the change of venue, arrived at Orange House yesterday morning to be faced with Mr Patton's supporters and posters saying "Under New Management" and "Central Committee Can Just Sod Off". There were minor scuffles when some members were refused entry. The County Grand Secretary of Belfast, Mr Tom Haire, said it was time for the dissidents to be expelled.

Ulster Unionist MP, Mr Jeffrey Donaldson, who is an assistant Grand Master said he feared the Order would split. Mr Saulters was elected unopposed, although reports suggested some members attempted to propose another candidate, who refused to run against him. At Orange House, the dissidents, who had arrived from different parts of the North, held their own meeting. Mr Patton said the Grand Lodge was undemocratic because out of some 150 members, 50 were church ministers who had been given honorary positions by the leadership.

He said each district lodge should elect people in proportion to their numbers to the grand lodge, which should meet on regular basis. Mr Saulters said last night his election was legal. He denied there was a split in the Order.