School grant for children of Travellers announced

A new grant aimed at encouraging children from the Travelling community to stay on at post-primary school has been announced …

A new grant aimed at encouraging children from the Travelling community to stay on at post-primary school has been announced by the Minister for Education, Mr Martin.

Under the new capitation payment announced yesterday, £336 will be paid to second-level schools for every enrolled child from the Travelling community.

"It is estimated that Traveller children make up a significant proportion of the 900 or so children who fail to transfer each year from primary to post-primary school. There are only roughly 500 Travellers of post-primary schooling age currently attending school," the Minister said.

This additional payment, similar to one already made at primary level, will "help schools in the outreach necessary to help these children and their families to successfully participate in the life of the school".