School to explore evolution of Irish media

THE Summer School on the Media and Irish Society could make an interesting visit this summer, in the midst of all the other summer…

THE Summer School on the Media and Irish Society could make an interesting visit this summer, in the midst of all the other summer schools. The brainchild of Mr Donal Counihan, who handles summer schools for the adult and continuing education department at UCC, it will explore the evolution of the Irish media "from the political genesis of Irish newspapers to the opening of 2RN - the first Irish radio service".

The school, to be held in UCC, will also examine developments in satellite and print technology in the Republic. Where do they all find the time? Prof Brian Farrell, Prof John A. Murphy and Prof Joe Lee will be among the guest speakers. Probably they will rush to another school in a mini bus before ending up at the Merriman in Ennistymon, this August, with barely a chance to edit a paper.

Topics include: "The Irish Government's Green Paper on Broadcasting and its implications"; "The Print Media in Ireland and its Political Genesis", and "The Media and the Northern Ireland Conflict". There will be a week long study of how the media both reflect and influence our notions of cultural history. "The school," says UCC, "is particularly relevant for anyone with an interest in Irish media and communications. There will be a full programme of lectures, seminars, workshops, visiting speakers and social as well as cultural events."