School transfers 'cannot be rushed'

The process of transferring some Catholic schools to other patrons cannot be rushed - and must not be imposed on parents and …

The process of transferring some Catholic schools to other patrons cannot be rushed - and must not be imposed on parents and school communities, church representatives insisted today.

In a new position paper, the Catholic Schools Partnership (CSP) says a change in patronage can only be considered in response to clear public demand.

The CSP – an umbrella group providing support for all partners in the Republic’s Catholic schools – signalled its concerns at plans by Minister for Education Ruairí Quinn to transfer 50 per cent of its 3,000 primary school to other patrons from January.

Instead, Catholic schools favour a lengthy process where transfers could only be considered after a lengthy period of consultation.


Father Michael Drumm, chair of the CSP, said no one could estimate the percentage of the State’s 3,000 Catholic primary school which might be transferred to new patrons. Some people , he said , were talking about a situation in which ten per cent of schools might be transferred.

Fr Drumm said the 50 per cent figure -raised by Mr Quinn- had destabilised school communities, raising fears that change might be imposed from the top down.

On the contrary , he said, the process of transfer would be a “bottom up’’ exercise which could only begin in response to local demand on the ground.

In a detailed 13-page paper , the CSP backs a series of pilot projects to examine public demand for a change in patronage.

But the paper warns that the issue of school transfer will raise financial issues. Catholic schools ,it signals , may require some compensation for the investment made in school premises if schools are transferred to other patrons.

Last week, Mr Quinn established the new Forum on Patronage and Pluralism which will tease out how changes in patronage might occur.

Fr Drumm took issue with claims by Mr Quinn that the amount spent on religion in primary schools – about 2½ hours per week – cannot be justified at a time when there are growing fears about literacy and numeracy standards.

Fr Drumm said there was not the slightest shred of evidence to support this charge. It ’s like saying that students would be much better at science if they did not study history, he said.

Ms Anne McDonagh, Education Secretary , Archbishop of Dublin said her office had received many calls from Catholic schools who feared they might be forced to make changes against their will.

It was important to stress, she said, that the church is not engaged in social engineering; the change in patronage would only come about if there was a clear parental demand for such change.

The position paper also highlights the inclusive nature of Catholic schools in dealing with children of all backgrounds and abilities. It warns that changes to patronage could lead to a two-tier education system as parents opt for schools that are less inclusive.

Close to 90 per cent of the 3,200 primary schools in the State are run by the Catholic Church.

The school patronage debate was triggered three years ago when Archbishop Diarmuid Martin acknowledged the church was over-represented in Irish education.

Minister Quinn has welcomed the position paper and consultation process.

'I believe today's statement by the Catholic Schools Partnership will contribute to providing a platform for what I see is an essential and informative debate within the education agenda,' said Mr Quinn.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times