Schoolboy in court for egg-throwing

A Garda inspector was brought in to investigate the problem of egg-throwing youths in Cabra, a court heard.

A Garda inspector was brought in to investigate the problem of egg-throwing youths in Cabra, a court heard.

Insp Eugene Brennan, of Cabra Garda station, told Judge Michael Connellan at the Children's Court yesterday that residents had been complaining about the on-going problem of youths pelting people with eggs on Fassaugh Avenue, Dublin.

He said that on September 9th he went to the area in plain cloths to investigate.

There had been numerous reports of youths creating a nuisance by continually pelting passers-by, people waiting at bus stops, and motorists with eggs.


As a result, the shops in the area were advised to stop selling eggs to young people, he said. Insp Brennan said he came out of a shop and saw a group of youths, including a 15-year-old schoolboy, throwing eggs.

He said he observed the boy and the group enter the grounds of a church, where they continued to throw eggs at each other, as well as at passers-by.

A group of schoolgirls also had eggs thrown at them. One of the girls had to step from the footpath on to the road to avoid being hit and was nearly run over by a passing car.

Garda Garret Lynch arrested the schoolboy nearby and charged him with breach of the peace, which he admitted yesterday.

Judge Connellan said he was considering cancelling the teenager's free legal aid after hearing that the boy had money to spend on eggs which he then threw at people.

In relation to the incident where the schoolgirls got pelted, he said: "I could understand him throwing kisses at the girls, but I can't understand him throwing eggs at them."

He also added that the boy needed a "course in manners".

The incident had nearly resulted in serious consequences for the girl who narrowly averted being run over when she ducked to avoid the flying eggs.

Defence solicitor Ms Ciara McCann said the boy's mother, who was visibly upset in court, was shocked by her son's involvement in the incident.

Ms McCann said the mother was "horrified and appalled".

In pleas for leniency for the boy, who had never been in trouble with the Garda before, Ms McCann said his behaviour on the day was part of a pattern.

Insp Brennan also told the court that since then, there had been no more reports of egg-throwing youths on Fassaugh Avenue.

Judge Connellan said the teenager had managed to complete the Junior Certificate, but added, "he should take a course in manners". He said he would give the schoolboy a chance and applied the Probation Act, leaving him without a conviction.