Schoolboy part of `Real IRA' camp

A Dublin schoolboy pleaded guilty at the Special Criminal Court yesterday to taking part in a "Real IRA" training camp last year…

A Dublin schoolboy pleaded guilty at the Special Criminal Court yesterday to taking part in a "Real IRA" training camp last year. The 15-year old youth from the city's north side, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is the youngest person to appear before the non-jury court.

He was originally charged before the Dublin Juvenile Court and was returned for trial to the Special Criminal Court on the direction of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Yesterday he pleaded guilty to participating in training or drilling in the use of firearms at Herbertstown, Stamullen, Co Meath, on October 20th last year. He was one of 10 people arrested when Special Branch detectives raided an underground bunker in a disused wine cellar in a remote part of Co Meath.

The court remanded him on continuing bail and ordered that a probation report should be prepared for July 10th.