Second Special Criminal Court to be established

A second Special Criminal Court will be established on January 1st next to clear a backlog of cases, the Minister for Justice…

A second Special Criminal Court will be established on January 1st next to clear a backlog of cases, the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, announced today.

I want to ensure that persons intent on challenging the legitimacy and authority of the State who are charged with criminal offences are brought swiftly to justice
Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell

The establishment of the second court will allow for the bringing forward of a number of trials fixed for the existing Special Criminal Court and it is expected will clear the list of impending trials by the middle of next year.

Seven judges will be assigned to the court and will be appointed by the Government at a later date, Mr McDowell said in a statement.

Announcing the decision, Mr McDowell, said: "I want to ensure that persons intent on challenging the legitimacy and authority of the State who are charged with criminal offences are brought swiftly to justice.


"The speedy resolution of trials before the Special Criminal Court will serve to demonstrate the State's resolve to seriously deal with any activity which is a threat to the State and its people."

A decision on whether to retain the second Special Criminal Court will be made after the backlog of cases has been cleared.