Security alert at Heathrow

BRITAIN: A MAN sprinted on to a runway at London's Heathrow airport yesterday, the day before Queen Elizabeth was due to open…

BRITAIN:A MAN sprinted on to a runway at London's Heathrow airport yesterday, the day before Queen Elizabeth was due to open its new Terminal Five, in the second major security breach in under a month.

Police arrested the man and blew up his bag in a controlled detonation but found no bomb, a spokeswoman said. A spokeswoman said police did not believe the incident was terrorism-related, although they were still not certain of the man's motive.

The airport has been the target of protests from environmentalists angered at the opening of the new terminal, and plans to boost traffic with the addition of a third runway and a sixth terminal.

A police spokesman said: "I can confirm that at approximately 2.05pm, a man was seen airside at Heathrow airport on the northern runway. He's been arrested by police and he's currently in custody."


Last month protesters opposing the expansion plans breached the airport's security to unveil a banner on top of a parked passenger jet.

Others chained themselves to the roof of parliament. Police declined to speculate on the arrested man's motives.

Security at the airport has been a high-profile issue since 2006 when authorities said they had thwarted a plot to smuggle explosives on to transatlantic flights. -