Security van workers back Garda protection plan

Cash-in-transit workers tonight backed plans by Justice Minister Michael McDowell to force banks to pay for increased garda escorts…

Cash-in-transit workers tonight backed plans by Justice Minister Michael McDowell to force banks to pay for increased garda escorts.

The banks and the security industry have been given a 120-day deadline to make improvements.

SIPTU, which represents cash-in-transit workers, said it had been very encouraged by the plans outlined by Mr McDowell in their meeting today.

"He wants the banks to pay their fair share for garda escorts and that the cost of raising standards will have to be partly borne by the banks as well," said president Jack O'Connor.


"He made it clear that he was not going to preside over a race to the bottom in standards in the industry and that there would be a requirement for investment in technology and training."

Banks currently pay only €3 million of the €9 million cost of providing garda escorts for security vans.

There were a series of major security van raids last month, including a €2.4 million heist in north Dublin, when the security staff stopped at a service station to buy coffee.