Senators not feeling love

It’s tough, being a Senator these days

It’s tough, being a Senator these days. Sitting forlornly on political death row, waiting for the axe to fall on Seanad Éireann. But they keep going, ever hopeful of a last-minute stay of execution followed by a full pardon. Whatever does happen, at the very least the place will stay open until the next general election.

It’s nice over in the Seanad, where they don’t mention the “R” word very much and the “A” word is only whispered in private. Some are working on proposals that might make the body more relevant to all the electorate.

Then we have those louts across in the Dáil. Hardly a week goes by now when somebody doesn’t ask the Taoiseach about the “Referendum” or mention “Abolition.” And Enda is always more than happy to repeat that the matter will be put before the people in the autumn.

All has not been well with the Labour crew. Since the ructions over the budget, they have been seeking a decent chat with their party leader. But, until this week, they couldn’t arrange a proper meeting with Eamon Gilmore as he is far too busy being deputy Emperor of Europe.



On Thursday, they all trooped over to the ministerial corridor to meet the Tánaiste. Before they got a chance to argue their case, Gilmore nipped in and marked their cards. “Just before we start lads . . . in case you’re under the illusion that this referendum is going to be kicked back, it won’t,” he declared.

“We’ll be holding the referendum in the autumn. Now. How can I help you?” And he chuckled.

A little too heartily, by all accounts.