Senior gardaí visit Bosnia-Herzegovina

Senior gardaí are travelling to boost morale among colleagues serving in an EU police force in Bosnia-Herzegovina this week.

Senior gardaí are travelling to boost morale among colleagues serving in an EU police force in Bosnia-Herzegovina this week.

Deputy Commissioner Peter Fitzgerald and Chief Supt Patrick Leahy arrive in Sarajevo for the five-day visit on Thursday.

There are four Garda officers serving a 12-month tour of duty with the EU Police Mission.

The Garda officers, who are of senior rank, are involved in policing duties as part of the EU-led Eufor mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 

The two-man Garda delegation is expected to meet international policing officials for briefings, and consultations with senior EU figures and Irish diplomats are also likely.

Earlier this month Defence Minister Willie O'Dea and Chief of Staff Lt Gen Dermot Earley visited the 44 Irish troops stationed in the region.

More than 100,000 people were killed in Bosnia during the Balkans War in the 1990s following the break-up of the former Yugoslavia.

Bosnia-Herzegovina, which has a population of about four million people, is bidding to become a member of the EU.

There are a total of 7,000 troops serving with the EUFOR mission, which are provided by 22 EU member states and 11 non-EU states.