Senior Zarqawi militant reported held in Iraq

Iraq's government said today it had captured a key lieutenant of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian militant who is al Qaeda…

Iraq's government said today it had captured a key lieutenant of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian militant who is al Qaeda's leader in Iraq and has been
behind some of the country's worst attacks.

It said Talib Mikhlif Arsan Walman al-Dulaymi, also known as Abu Qutaybah, was captured on February 20th in Anah, a town northwest of Baghdad and about 60 km from the border with Syria.

"Abu Qutaybah was responsible for determining who, when and how terrorist network leaders would meet with Zarqawi," the government said. "Abu Qutaybah filled the role of key lieutenant for the Zarqawi network arranging safe houses and transportation as well as passing packages and funds to Zarqawi."

Earlier, it was reported another senior militant had been captured. He was identified as Mohamed Najam Ibrahim.


Iraqi sources said he was arrested in Baqouba northeast of Baghdad, but gave no date for the arrest.
