Sentry fires warning shot to stop attack on officer

Gardaí are investigating an alleged assault at an Army barracks in Dublin, during which a warning shot was fired.

Gardaí are investigating an alleged assault at an Army barracks in Dublin, during which a warning shot was fired.

The incident happened early last Saturday, when an officer was reportedly attacked after being dropped off by civilian friends at McKee Barracks in Blackhorse Avenue.

According to witnesses, the officer was set upon by four men, who were described by an Army spokesman as being under the influence of drink or drugs, "or both".

The officer's friends went to his assistance, and when a sentry opened the gate to help his colleague, the melee continued inside. One of the assailants allegedly attempted to disarm a soldier, who then fired a warning shot in the air from a Steyr assault rifle, causing the attackers to flee.


Gardaí arrived at the barracks after the incident, which happened at around 3.30 a.m., and took statements. A Garda inquiry is continuing.

The soldier who fired the warning shot was to be "commended" for using the minimum force necessary, a spokesman said.

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary