`Serb Hitler' admits killings

The Hague - The self-styled "Serb Adolf Hitler", Goran Jelisic, yesterday admitted to killing at least 14 Bosnian Muslims and…

The Hague - The self-styled "Serb Adolf Hitler", Goran Jelisic, yesterday admitted to killing at least 14 Bosnian Muslims and Croats and faces life imprisonment after pleading guilty to 15 counts of crimes against humanity. The Bosnian Serb pleaded not guilty to genocide before the UN war crimes tribunal.

He pleaded guilty to 14 documented killings, four acts of torture and plunder, carried out in a week in May 1992 at the Luka detention camp near Brcko in northern Bosnia when he was 23 years old. Prosecutors believe he carried out and ordered "countless others."