Seven Days

A glance at the week that was

A glance at the week that was

Higgs hunt intensifies

Researchers using the Large Hadron Collider say that if they fail to discover the Higgs bosonparticle by the end of next year our views on physical laws may have to be altered. The most popular theory of particle physics requires the existence of the particle. Its detection is one of the main objectives of the collider, which smashes proton particles, but researchers now say if it isn't observed by 2013 they will know it doesn't exist.

Yummy from mummy


Ice cream made from breast milkhas been removed over health concerns. Baby Gaga was launched at a London ice-cream parlour last week. It is served with a rusk and an optional shot of Calpol or Bonjela for £14. Icecreamists founder Matt O'Connor insisted the donor had been medically screened and the milk was pasteurised, adding: "You can buy alcohol and tobacco but not breast milk."

We now know

The United States' last veteran of the first World War, Frank Buckles, died aged 110

Higher education lowers blood pressure, says a new study in BMC Public Health

Pope Benedict XVI has exonerated Jewish peopleover the death of Jesus in a new book

The numbers


The price a set of four Chinese stampsfrom the Cultural Revolution era fetched at auction


The number of Siberian tigers in existence, according to the journal Mammalian Biology


The price a lock of Justin Bieber's hairwas sold for on eBay


The record number of nominations for the 2011

Nobel Peace Prize


The number of cars scrappedafter being abandoned in Dublin city last year


The number of people who self-injuredin Ireland last year without seeking medical attention