Seven Days

Cool Deal: Radiohead self-released their new album, In Rainbows, on their website, with fans invited to choose their own price…

Cool Deal:Radiohead self-released their new album, In Rainbows, on their website, with fans invited to choose their own price for the album. The website inevitably crashed under the strain.

The band are also offering a deluxe boxed version of the album for purchase, while the record label doomsday clock ticked that bit closer to midnight.

Cubik Appeal

The Rubik's Cube came home yesterday with the fourth Rubik's Cube World Championships in Budapest. Designed by Hungarian Erno Rubik, the multi-coloured cubic puzzle became a phenomenon in the early 1980s, and its popularity endures.

Competitors from 32 countries are taking part in the three-day event; categories include solving it blindfolded, single-handed, or with your feet.


We Now Know

Struggling actors survive on less than the dole, according to Irish Equity

Britney Spears lost custody of her children because she allegedly missed a drugs test

Innocent's detox smoothies don't quite live up to the claims, in the view of the British Advertising Standards Authority.

The Numbers

8 Number of British landmarks recreated out of Shredded Wheat for the start of British Food Fortnight

$10,000 Sin tax New Yorker Eliza Kwon fined her ex-boyfriend Greg Calvino when he attended a strip club

10,000 Number of athletes participating in the Special Olympics in China

Quote of the Week

"We have put our faith in Eddie" - IRFU chief executive Philip Browne revealed the new gospel of O'Sullivan