SF accuses Lisburn council of discrimination

Sinn Féin has called on the Equality Commission to investigate allegations of discrimination by Lisburn council.

Sinn Féin has called on the Equality Commission to investigate allegations of discrimination by Lisburn council.

Sinn Féin human rights and equality spokesperson Caitríona Ruane and Lisburn councillor Paul Butler led a protest at the council offices - the first to be held under the party's anti-discrimination campaign.

Ms Ruane claimed the council's record of discrimination was shameful. "We will bring our campaign to smash discrimination to the streets and to the door of those who discriminate - wherever they are," she said.

"Sinn Féin will confront, expose and challenge discrimination wherever it exists. "This protest is just another part of that campaign. Lisburn is under the spotlight. We will not let Lisburn Council off the hook.


Mr Butler alleged Lisburn council had failed to deal with discrimination over the allocation of council positions, the Irish language, the provision of play spaces, rights under civil partnership legislation and flags and emblems.

Sinn Féin has said it would mount protests at other councils, government departments and agencies like the Northern Ireland Office and Invest Northern Ireland .