SF condemns arrest of man over RUC murder

The arrest yesterday of 45-year-old man over the killing of an RUC officer in the North more than 20 years ago has been condemned…

The arrest yesterday of 45-year-old man over the killing of an RUC officer in the North more than 20 years ago has been condemned by Sinn Féin. The party has been in contact with the US Consulate over the matter.

The man was detained yesterday in connection with the killing of reserve constable Colin Carson, 31, gunned down at security gates in Cookstown, County Tyrone, in May 1983 when paramilitaries pulled up in a van and opened fire.

The attack was initially claimed by both the IRA and the INLA. It is understood the arrested man is originally from west Belfast but has lived in the United States for more than a decade.

The arrest has provoked an angry response from from Sinn Féin, who claimed the suspect was trailed from his car and bundled into an unmarked police vehicle.


Gerry Kelly, the party's policing spokesman, demanded the immediate release of the man, declaring: "This vindictive arrest is outrageous.

"Sinn Féin have been in contact with the US Consulate regarding this very serious matter."