SF councillor resigns over decommissioning

A Sinn Féin councillor has become the first elected representative to split from the party as a direct result of the decision…

A Sinn Féin councillor has become the first elected representative to split from the party as a direct result of the decision to decommission IRA arms.

Councillor Brian MacUaid announced his resignation from the party in protest at the "significant" decommissioning move announced by Gen John de Chastelain at the end of last month.

Mr MacUaid, who sat on Monaghan County Council, is reported to have said his step was "not taken lightly", but with great regret.

His decision also makes him the first elected representative to split from the party on policy grounds since the signing of the Belfast Agreement.


Following the announcement by Gen de Chastelain's Independent International Commission on Decommissioning on October 23rd that the IRA had put explosives and weapons beyond use, Sinn Féin leader Mr Gerry Adams called a special meeting of the ruling executive to assess reaction among grassroots members.

He said many republicans had found it hard to come to terms with the move, which brought an end to the philosophy of an armed struggle against Britain.

"I believe decommissioning was an act of patriotism. Patriotism requires pain but I believe republicans will remain loyal to us," he said at the time.