SF delegation to visit 'Rossport Five' today

A Sinn Féin Stormont Assembly delegation is today due to visit the "Rossport Five" on their 66th day in Dublin's Cloverhill Prison…

A Sinn Féin Stormont Assembly delegation is today due to visit the "Rossport Five" on their 66th day in Dublin's Cloverhill Prison.

The Co Mayo men were jailed in June by the High Court for blocking the construction of a Shell gas pipeline near their homes.

Sinn Féin's Assembly chief whip, Philip McGuigan, and East Derry MLA Francie Brolly said their visit was to show solidarity with the Rossport Five and their families.

The wives of the prisoners are due to appear tonight on RTE's Late Late Show- the first of the current season.


Mr McGuigan said: "The issue of the Rossport Five and the way that the Irish Government has sold off one of Ireland's most important natural resources is one that effects everyone living on this island."

The men were visited by Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny yesterday and by independent Dáil TDs on Wednesday.