SF to hold protests over Budget measures

Nationwide protests over controversial Budget measures will take place today outside the constituency offices of Government Ministers…

Nationwide protests over controversial Budget measures will take place today outside the constituency offices of Government Ministers and junior ministers.

Sinn Féin, which is organising the demonstrations, called on local communities to join its campaign to reverse cost-cutting proposals hitting pensioners, students and low-income families.

The party said it will back next week’s Labour Party Dáil motion calling on the Government to reverse its decision to increase the pupil-teacher ratio in primary and secondary schools.

Sinn Féin MEP Mary Lou McDonald said the Government had lost the trust and confidence of the electorate.


Ms McDonald will picket the constituency office of Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan in Castleknock, Dublin.

Teachers’ unions will protest at Budget cuts outside the Dáil on Wednesday evening as TDs debate the Labour Party motion.

The Irish Farmers’ Association will hold public meetings in Co Cavan on Tuesday and in Co Cork on Friday.

IFA president Padraig Walshe claims Budget cuts will hit 60,000 low-income farming families.