Sharon vows to present Gaza plan to cabinet

MIDDLE EAST: Israel's Prime Minister Mr Ariel Sharon vowed yesterday that his Gaza disengagement plan would be approved by his…

MIDDLE EAST: Israel's Prime Minister Mr Ariel Sharon vowed yesterday that his Gaza disengagement plan would be approved by his cabinet on Sunday, and reportedly told Knesset members that "not a single Jewish settler will be left in Gaza" by the end of next year writes David Horovitz in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Border Police, the quasi-military force primarily charged with maintaining security at Israel's Gaza and West Bank borders, suspended all training for two hours yesterday, while commanders gave "refresher" courses on appropriate treatment of Palestinians following the arrests of 12 border policemen in recent days for alleged abuse.

Mr Sharon is now evincing full confidence of getting his plan - for the dismantling of all 21 settlements and the withdrawal of all troops from the Gaza Strip - passed by ministers next week, despite having called off the vote last Sunday because he hadn't mustered enough support. He has the option of firing a minister; alternatively, at least two compromise formulas are being discussed by various ministers, formulas that may or may not leave the essence of the plan intact. US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice made clear to a Sharon envoy in Washington on Tuesday that President Bush's backing was for a full withdrawal only, rather than any watered-down amendment.

Mr Sharon also said yesterday that he envisaged a Jordanian role in parts of the West Bank from which Israel would withdraw - apparently earmarking Jordan for the same kind of security training and border patrol tasks which Egypt has indicated it may be prepared to carry out in Gaza.


Jordan, which controlled the West Bank before it was captured by Israel in the 1967 war, has indicated some willingness, provided the parties re-engage in the "road map" framework for an eventual peace treaty.

In Gaza yesterday, Israeli troops killed two Hamas militants intercepted near the Netzarim settlement. Hamas identified the two men, and said they had died carrying out an attack.

Three border policemen were charged in a Jerusalem court yesterday over the beating of two Palestinian 17-year-olds. Nine other policemen are under house arrest, having reportedly admitted to stealing from and beating Palestinians.