Sheep rustler faces sentence

A sheep rustler from Co Derry has been told that he will be sentenced for the offences next month.

A sheep rustler from Co Derry has been told that he will be sentenced for the offences next month.

Seán Joseph McCormick (37), Mountfield Road, Claudy, admitted three counts of stealing lambs when he appeared before the Magistrates Court in Derry yesterday.

McCormick was accused of stealing 17 lambs, the property of Patrick Brolly, Altnagarran Road, Claudy, between November 6th and November 12th last year.

He was further charged with stealing 22 lambs, the property of Robert McClelland, Mountfield Road, Claudy, on November 12th.


McCormick as also charged with stealing 32 lambs, the property of Frank McCloskey, Mountfield Road, Claudy, on December 2nd.

The court was told that the value of the 71 lambs was £3,498 and that all the money had been repaid.

Describing the offences as being "extremely serious", resident magistrate Barney McElholm adjourned the case for sentencing until November 16th.

Mr McElholm also ordered the preparation of pre-sentence reports.