Sheffield abandons 2005 World bid

Sheffield withdrew its bid to host the 2005 World Athletics Championships tonight.

Sheffield withdrew its bid to host the 2005 World Athletics Championships tonight.

The city of steel was put up as a last minute alternative by British authorities after plans to stage the event in London collapsed.

But the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) insisted at its council meeting in Monaco yesterday that it would not automatically switch the event to Sheffield instead.

The IAAF's general policy is to have its showpiece events in major world cities and Sheffield, best known for its production of stainless steel, was expected to face competition from glamorous European capitals Berlin, Rome and Madrid.


The south Yorkshire city, which did host the 1991 World Student Games, was told by IAAF general secretary Istvan Gyulai yesterday that it could still enter the bidding.

"The site for the 2005 world championships will be decided next spring and every member country can apply. Sheffield can put in a bid and it will be evaluated with the other candidates," said Gyulai.

But IAAF council member Helmut Digel said Sheffield would have to carry out a major upgrade of the city's Don Valley stadium if it wanted to host the World Championships.

"In a letter we got from Britain proposing Sheffield they said they would use the existing facilities. If they do not greatly improve the stadium they will have no choice," said Digel.