Shop owner tops defaulter list

The Revenue has published details of 78 settlements made in the first quarter of the year, which generated a tax haul of €15.…

The Revenue has published details of 78 settlements made in the first quarter of the year, which generated a tax haul of €15.56 million.

In the latest tax defaulters' list the largest settlement was made by discount store owner Sean Joyce, of Castlebar, Co Mayo. Mr Joyce paid almost €1.5 million to Revenue in tax, interest and penalties.

Some 39 settlements were for amounts in excess of €100,000, and of these, eight exceeded €500,000.

Of the €15.56 million in settlements, the Revenue’s investigations into bogus non-resident accounts yielded €3.4 million.


A further €2.22 million was generated from 12 settlements arising from investigations into offshore funds, while seven settlements relating to single premium insurance products cases delivered €1.41 million.

The settlements published today represent a portion of the Revenues audits and investigations settled in the three months to March 31st 2011.

The total yield from the tax authority’s programmes concluded in the period was almost €107 million.

Nursing home proprietor Robert Fagan of Sandymount, Dublin 4, paid a total of €925,000 in income tax, interest and penalties after undergoing a Revenue audit.

Since 1989 the Fagan family has owned and operated two nursing homes in south Dublin - Ailesbury Private Nursing Home in Sandymount and Ashbury Nursing Home in Blackrock. The family also owns and runs Homecare Options, which provides nursing care in private homes.

Ten of the 78 tax defaulters named today are landlords or are involved in some form of property letting activity. A spokeswoman for the Revenue said that this was not the result of any special project targeting this sector.

"We always keep an eye on the cash economy, where people have the potential not to declare the correct amount of income," she said.

One of the largest of these settlements was made by landlord Nicholas Roche of Shankill, Dublin 18 who paid a total of €555,000 following a Revenue investigation.