Simon Community condemns housing shortage

The Simon Community today accused the Government of abandoning homeless people to short-term shelters rather than fulfilling…

The Simon Community today accused the Government of abandoning homeless people to short-term shelters rather than fulfilling promises to provide community housing.
At the publication of its annual report earlier today, the organisation's chief executive, Mr Greg Maxwell, warned the recent success in generating opportunities for homeless people were now threatened.

"More people than ever before moved from the streets to emergency and support services last year," he said.  " Partnership working between Dublin Simon and state agencies such as the Homeless Agency, City Council and ERHA have been crucial to these successes.

"But these successes are now under real threat because of Government inaction on housing."
Mr Maxwell claimed changes in rent allowances were worsening the problem as single homeless people faced an even greater financial hurdle in affording private accommodation.

The organisation is calling for an additional 1,000 units to be allocated to single adults in homeless services by the end of 2006 and argued in its report that payment of rent allowance must relate to market rates. The report also urges local authorities to introduce plans that will provide housing for single homeless people.

Mr Maxwell said the Simon Community assisted over 400 rough sleepers last year to move from the streets to its homeless shelter. He noted that many are ready to move into their own accommodation but that not one person from the shelter got housing from a Dublin local authority in 2003.