Sinn Fein Ardfheis to debate motions on scrapping RUC

Both Sinn Fein and the Alliance Party are holding their annual party conferences this weekend - Sinn Fein in Dublin, and Alliance…

Both Sinn Fein and the Alliance Party are holding their annual party conferences this weekend - Sinn Fein in Dublin, and Alliance in Carrickfergus, Co Antrim.

A total of 193 motions are to be debated at Sinn Fein's two-day ardfheis in the RDS in Dublin, with the party president, Mr Gerry Adams, delivering his speech this afternoon.

Some of the main motions to be debated by the 800 delegates will deal with the reinstatement of the Stormont Assembly and executive.

Another will call for the party to adopt a clear policy on the Patten recommendations on policing in the North.


There will also be calls for the disbandment of the RUC. It is not believed that the party leadership will come in for criticism from party members, although one motion from West Tyrone calls for more internal discussion and consultation on the political discussion.

A leading Ulster Unionist negotiator, Mr Michael McGimpsey, yesterday said that Sinn Fein needed to show more flexibility on the arms decommissioning issue.

He said the May 22nd deadline for decommissioning was rapidly approaching .

"There must be no more prevarication. We need to address this issue now."

The Alliance Party's annual conference formally opened in Carrickfergus, Co Antrim, last night with a panel discussion on truth and reconciliation in the North.

The party's spokeswoman on victims, Ms Eileen Bell, and Mr Oliver Wilkinson from Victim Support took part. A former republican prisoner and a loyalist representative were also due to speak.

This morning, speeches by the Northern Secretary, Mr Peter Mandelson, and the party leader, Mr Sean Neeson, will be preceded by debates on the Patten report, the introduction of hate crime legislation, children's and family issues, the "11-plus" school selection examination and discrimination issues in the Assembly.

The Sinn Fein Ardfheis and the Alliance Party conference will be updated this weekend on The Irish Times Breaking News service at: