Sinn Fein TD takes seat on UK-Irish group

The Sinn Fein TD Mr Caoimhghin O Caolain will attend his first meeting of the British-Irish Parliamentary Body in London next…

The Sinn Fein TD Mr Caoimhghin O Caolain will attend his first meeting of the British-Irish Parliamentary Body in London next week, having been nominated to the group by independent and small-party deputies and senators. Mr O'Caolain and Senator Mary Henry received the two nominations the independent and small-party members are entitled to make to the body, while Senator Shane Ross was given the nomination for associate membership, effectively that of "first substitute". The nominations were uncontested.

Mr O'Caolain becomes the first Sinn Fein member of the body, which was formed some 15 years ago as a forum through which parliamentarians from the Republic, Northern Ireland and Britain could meet. It has 30 members from Leinster House, and 30 from Westminster. Two places are reserved for unionists, who have never taken up their seats.

Mr O'Caolain yesterday thanked the independent and small-party deputies and senators for nominating him. He said he had tabled a question to the Northern Secretary, Dr Mo Mowlam, stressing "the urgent need for progress on the issues of demilitarisation and political prisoners. I will focus in particular on the plight of Irish republican prisoners in English prisons".

He also said he would be stressing his party's commitment "to a just and lasting peace and the need for political and constitutional change in order to transform the relationship between Ireland and Britain".