Six Shannon workers lose jobs for rugby game at airport

Six workers, suspended earlier this week for playing rugby on a ramp close to moving aircraft at Shannon airport, have been formally…

Six workers, suspended earlier this week for playing rugby on a ramp close to moving aircraft at Shannon airport, have been formally dismissed by their employers following an investigation of the incident.

The six, all of whom worked for international ground handling agent Servisair, were sacked on Thursday. This was four days after they were originally suspended for their part in the incident, which occurred after a rugby ball fell from baggage as it was been loaded on to the aircraft.

A seventh employee, who was inside the cargo hold of the plane at the time, was not involved in the incident.

The ramp staff were observed by the captain of a Ryanair flight which had just landed at Shannon. The aircraft was taxiing past the impromptu game at the time, and the matter was immediately reported by the pilot to air traffic controllers.


It is understood that the incident was also captured on airport CCTV cameras. An airport source said that another taxiing aircraft had to brake suddenly after the ball came within 50 yards of the plane. It had been feared that the ball could have been sucked into an engine.

All six men had their security clearances revoked and were suspended pending the outcome of an internal investigation by the company.

That investigation is understood to have been completed on Wednesday evening, and the workers were notified of the company's decision to terminate their employment.

A spokesman for Servisair confirmed earlier this week: "The incident took place last Sunday in an exposed area near aircraft. The captain of an aircraft saw this and expressed concern about it."

He said: "It is a serious health and safety issue, and we are taking it very seriously. We have to be 100 per cent sure of the safety of travelling passengers."

A spokesman for the Shannon Airport Authority said: "This is an internal disciplinary matter for the handling company, but we will be interested in the outcome of their investigation in so far as it concerns ramp safety."