Smut and dirt

What do they love about Brendan O'Carroll, whose latest comedy, Good Mourning Mrs Brown, opened at the Gaiety Theatre this week…

What do they love about Brendan O'Carroll, whose latest comedy, Good Mourning Mrs Brown, opened at the Gaiety Theatre this week? "We love the smut," says Dave Brennan on behalf of a group of friends from work. They all laugh and nod. "It's the dirt," says Siobhan Cremin, the sports and social club executive who organised the outing from their Irish Permanent offices. Another couple on their way in are Anne and Anthony Maher from Kimmage. They love "the Dublin humour" and "the bad language".

Some well-known faces at the opening include Ray Treacy, soccer commentator and travel agent, and Paddy Cole and Eamonn Monahan[RO ], both former Capital Showband members. They played at the funeral of Butch Moore in Finglas last week. Tailor Louis Copeland is here, as is health and fitness guru Jackie Lavin, now doing vitamins (and not fashion) for women.