Abortion referendum by end of 2017 realistic, says Zappone

Minister for Children says it is ‘absolutely critical’ that people get to discuss the issue

Minister for Children Katherine Zappone: “This is a much more complex issue” than the same sex marriage referendum.

The end of 2017 is a realistic date for a Referendum on Repeal of the Eighth Amendment, according to Minister for Children Katherine Zappone.

Speaking on Newstalk Breakfast, she said it was “absolutely critical that the people have an opportunity to discuss and debate these issues”.

She said that this had been a “red letter issue” for her support of the government.

When asked if a citizens’ assembly would slow down the process, she said that it could help move more quickly towards a referendum.


The constitutional convention route had worked well for the same sex marriage referendum she said. “This is a much more complex issue.”

She said the matter had been discussed at the Cabinet table last Tuesday and that, as a Government, there was a need to respond to the UN comments.

“Although it is non binding, we obviously have to listen to the UN.”

The UN Human Rights Committee last week found that a woman carrying a foetus with a fatal abnormality had been subjected to discrimination and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment due to the ban on abortion.

It called for the prohibition to be reversed to allow women to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy safely.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny said the committe’s verdict was non binding. In response to calls in the Dáil for an immediate referendum on abortion, Mr Kenny urged patience and caution in addressing the issue.

“My view is that if we were to decide to have a referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment in October, it would not be passed,” he said.