Around 100 attend anti-Trump protest at American embassy

People Before Profit TD Richard Boyd Barrett describes Trump victory as a shocking wake-up call for the world

Ruth Coppinger: she said “Enda Kenny disgracefully sent a message of congratulations to Donald Trump on behalf of the Government”

Around 100 people attended an anti-Donald Trump protest that took place outside the American embassy in Dublin on Thursday evening. The protest was planned by environmental groups, groups who stand against racism and war and for the protection of women’s rights.

The protest had been called on the theme “Resist Trump racism, sexism and hatred.”

People Before Profit TD Richard Boyd Barrett, one of the organisers of the protest, described the election of Mr Trump as president of the US as a shocking wake-up call for the world.

“Trump has won the election by stirring up base hatred and prejudice against immigrants, ethnic minorities, Muslims, women and LGBT people.


“He has deliberately whipped up racism, sexism and other forms of divisive prejudice – scapegoating vulnerable and oppressed groups – in an effort to divert legitimate public anger against economic inequality, poverty, low pay and other social ills,” said Mr Boyd Barrett.

“Trump’s pledge to tear up the Paris climate change treaty will have a devastating impact on any strategy to deal with a planetary crisis that literally threatens all of humanity.


“It is extremely alarming that many political leaders across the world who had previously been critical of Trump’s hate-filled election campaign are now moving quickly to blunt their criticisms of Trump, and even congratulating him on his victory.”

Deputy Ruth Coppinger of Anti-Austerity Alliance-PBP said “Enda Kenny disgracefully sent a message of congratulations to Donald Trump on behalf of the Government. Tomorrow the protest will send a message on behalf of the majority of people of solidarity and support to those protesting against Trump’s election and policies.”

Ms Coppinger said across the US mass protests were taking place against Mr Trump. “They are not pro-Hillary protests; they are against his politics and in solidarity with those who will suffer under his administration. It is young people who realise his administration will offer them no future.”