Child found in Dublin city centre taken into care of HSE

Gardaí and health services working to assist young person found last week

A child was found in Dublin city centre last week. Photograph: Bryan O’Brien/ The Irish Times

A child found in Dublin city centre by gardaí last week has been taken into the care of health services.

The Health Service Executive and the Garda are working together "to ensure the welfare and protection of a child found last week in Dublin city centre", the HSE said in a statement today.

However the HSE said it could not comment on a child currently in its care.

In a statement it added "Under the Child Care Act 1991, the HSE has a wide range of statutory obligations for the protection and welfare of children. Joint working between the HSE Children and Family Services and An Garda Síochána under Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children forms an integral part of the child protection and welfare service."


A Garda spokesman referred a media query on the case to the Health Service Executive.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times