Dun Laoghaire Christmas Eve ceremony remembers Caitriona Lucas

Wreath laid in memory of Doolin Coast Guard member at annual RNLI commemoration

A wreath was laid in memory of Irish Coast guard member Caitríona Lucas at the annual Dun Laoghaire RNLI commemoration in Dublin on Christmas Eve. Video: RNLI

A wreath was laid in memory of Irish Coast guard member Caitríona Lucas at the annual Dun Laoghaire RNLI commemoration in Dublin on Christmas Eve.

The annual ceremony marks the anniversary of 15 lifeboat members from Dun Laoghaire RNLI who died on Christmas Eve in 1895 during a rescue.

Three wreaths were cast off the Dun Laoghaire lifeboat this year; one for the 1895 crew, one for all those who died at sea in the past year, and one in memory of Ms Lucas,the first Irish Coast Guard volunteer to die during a search.

A guard of honour was formed by Dun Laoghaire Coast Guard Unit and Civil Defence volunteers .


The ceremony took place at the lighthouse at the end of the East Pier at midday.

There was music, an ecumenical blessing and a reading from a newspaper report on the tragedy. A lone piper from Dublin Fire Brigade pipe band took part in the ceremony.

Among those due to attend were Cormac Becton, great-grandson of Edward Murphy who was one of the 15 volunteer crew who died in 1895.

The 41-year-old mother of two, attached to the Doolin Coast Guard unit was on board Kilkee Coast Guard's rigid inflatable boat (RIB) during a search for missing Clare teacher David McMahon, when it capsized in rough seas on September 12th.

Two investigations were initiated into the circumstances leading to Ms Lucas’s death.

Stephen Wynne of Dun Laoghaire RNLI said it was a poignant time of year for those who lost loved ones at sea but 2016 was particularly remembered by people involved in rescues.

“Caitriona symbolises the commitment we all share for helping others in need; she will not be forgotten.”