First baby of 2015 born at four seconds past midnight in Dublin

Kian Anthony Bourke arrived at the Rotunda hospital in north Dublin

Kian Anthony Bourke was born at four seconds past midnight on New Year’s Day to parents Jennifer and Karl Bourke from Artane in Dublin’s Rotunda Hospital.

The first baby to be born in Ireland in 2015 arrived at four seconds past midnight on New Year's Day in the Rotunda Hospital in north Dublin.

Kian Anthony Bourke, who weighed 3.31 kg (7 lb 5 oz), was born just after midnight to parents Jennifer and Karl Burke from Artane in Dublin 5.

Mr Bourke said they suspected that their new baby was a record-breaker. “The midwife Nick, he was very good and he contacted one or two of the hospitals and he just said that it was four seconds past twelve and it seems like a record.”

His wife Jennifer said the midwife confirmed it at 5am.“We’re looking at going home tonight hopefully with a bit of luck,” she said. “So only one night to stay and then we can all go home.”


Fiona Hanrahan, assistant director of midwifery at the Rotunda, said baby Kian was in “perfect” health and that mother and son would most likely be able to go home to Artane before the end of the day.

Ms Hanrahan said it had been a very busy Christmas and new year at the hospital with plenty of new arrivals over the holidays. Ten babies were born in the Rotunda during the night of the 31st December, with the next baby in the hospital arriving at five minutes past midnight.

The second baby born in 2015 arrived just across the River Liffey only a few seconds after baby Kian. Ellie Dormer was born at 17 seconds past midnight in the National Maternity Hospital on Holles Street, Dublin 2.

Ellie, who weighed 7 lb 14 oz (3.57 kg), is Sinéad Dormer’s second child. She and her husband, who live in Sandyford, already have a daughter named Katie who will be three in March.

The first baby born at Limerick’s University Maternity Hospital was Luke McInerney who arrived at 00.16 on New Year’s Day.

Meanwhile, the first arrival at Cork University Maternity Hospital appeared just under an hour later. Saoirse Breen who was born to mum Amanda Breen at 1.02am on New Year's Day.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter and cohost of the In the News podcast