Ireland’s biggest coffee morning: brewing funds for good causes

Funds from coffee morning will be used to rebuild palliative care unit at hospice

Keith Duffy and Mario Rosenstock with Nuala Drennan from Stillorgan in the rose garden of Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross, to help launch Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Funds raised by “Ireland’s Biggest Coffee Morning for Hospice” will, among many worthy causes, be used to rebuild the palliative care unit at Harold’s Cross, Dublin.

The annual event was launched on Thursday at Our Lady’s Hospice and Care Services in Harold’s Cross, with representatives hoping people will host a coffee morning on Thursday, September 14th to raise funds for hospice and homecare services.

“This is one of the most important fundraising events in our calendar,” said Eleanor Flew, director of communications and funding at Our Lady’s Hospice. “Every year, we raise approximately €400,000 from this event, so it’s vitally important for our frontline services.”

The funds raised will go towards rebuilding the palliative care unit at the facility. “Our vision is to rebuild 36 new single rooms and to triple the number of specialist homecare palliative nurses,” said Ms Flew.


Funds will also be used to buy the equipment required for treating people with MS or motor neuron disease. John Lavelle, assistant director of nursing, said, "They need quite a lot of specialised technical equipment or IT equipment – screens for communication and computers for communications, even down to a low-low bed where a patient may be at risk of falling."

Mark Saunders, brand director of Bewley's Coffee, said: "As an Irish family company originally founded on Quaker principles, community is very much at the heart of Bewley's and each year we continue to see the importance of hospice and homecare services around Ireland. "

The public can lend support by hosting or attending a coffee morning, or can text COFFEE to 50300 to donate €4.