LÉ Samuel Beckett rescues 772 migrants off Libyan coast

Irish Naval Service vessel received call for assistance from rescue co-ordination centre

The Irish Naval Service vessel located and rescued the migrants from the barge northeast of the Libyan capital.

The LÉ Samuel Beckett has rescued 772 migrants from a large wooden barge during a "complex search and rescue operation" off the coast of Tripoli, Libya.

The operation was carried out on Friday following a call for assistance from the Italian Maritime Rescue Co-Ordination Centre.

The Irish Naval Service vessel located and rescued the migrants from the barge about 36 nautical miles (67km) northeast of the Libyan capital.

The LÉ Samuel Beckett also acted as an on scene co-ordinator for four other ships that rescued migrants from approximately 20 small craft within the search area.


The rescue operation began at 6.30am and all migrants were on board the ship by 2.30pm. They were provided with food, water and medical treatment where required.

In a statement on Friday night, the Defence Forces said the LÉ Samuel Beckett was bringing some migrants to an Italian ship before transferring the remaining migrants to a port of safety.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter