MEPs call for roadmap to combat homophobia

Resolution passed by 394 votes to 176 in the European Parliament, with 72 abstentions

MEPs have called on the European Union to draw up a roadmap to combat homophobia and protect the rights of gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people across Europe.

The European Parliament today voted in favour of a report which calls on the EU to implement similar strategies that are already in place to combat discrimination against people based on sex, disability or ethnicity.

The resolution passed by 394 votes to 176 in the European Parliament, with 72 abstentions. Voting records show 11 of the 12 Irish MEP’s voted in favour of the resolution, while Fine Gael MEP Gay Mitchell abstained.

While the proposal is non-legislative, Ulrike Lunacek, the Green MEP from Austria who initiated the report, said it would not put the issue firmly on the agenda of the next European Commission, which will be formed after the European elections in May, and has the power to initiate legislation.


Speaking after the vote, Ms Lunacek criticised what she said was a “cynical, orchestrated lobbying campaign by conservative hardliners” against the report.

British MEP, Michael Cashman alleged that many MEP's who had previously supported proposals withdrew their support, because of threats that they would be de-selected from running again for the European Parliament in May's elections. They also faced threats that religious organisations would instigate block votes against them, he said.

Describing the report as “inoffensive and sensible,” Mr Cashman said that it was “vital that politicians and democracies deliver equality.”

“A civilised society is judged on not how it treats it majority but how it treats its minority. In this respect the European Union is failing,” he said.

EU citizens are currently protected against discrimination in the workplace on grounds of sexual orientation in EU employment law.

The EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights also prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.

However, Ms Lunacek said further EU action is needed. “Despite EU legislation to protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, there is still discrimination, bullying and violence – in schools, workplaces and in everyday life situations,” she said.

Labour TD Dominic Hannigan said today's vote by the European Parliament to support a new EU action plan to combat homophobia, sent out a "strong signal".

He noted that equality strategies are already in place for discrimination on the basis of disability, gender equality and Roma integration. “LGBT people still experience unacceptable levels of harassment and discrimination in many places around Europe, despite the many positive changes over recent years, ” he said.

“I hope that [the] discussion and vote will help progress the equality debate and keep the issue of LGBT rights on the European agenda.”